CLARKSVILLE, IN (July 10, 2023) – Clarksville residents will be heading to the polls in November to elect the next Town Council, Clerk-Treasurer, and Town Judge. With several current officials not seeking re-election or seeking new offices, we thought it would be helpful for residents to get to know the candidates a bit better. We sent a survey to each candidate and asked them the same questions on various topics including why they want to serve you. Click on a candidate’s name to read their answers. * = Incumbent
Town Council – District 1
Tim Hauber* – Republican
Tony Munich – Democrat
Greg Hertzsch – Libertarian
Town Council – District 2
Darci Schiller – Republican
Adam Rayborn – Democrat
Town Council – District 3
Sally Clyatt Stock – Republican
Ryan Ramsey* – Democrat
Town Council – District 4
Jamie Hudgins – Republican
Karen Henderson – Democrat
Town Council – District 5
Bob Stotts – Republican
Laura DeMent – Democrat
Town Council – At-Large
David (Red) Worrall – Republican
Jennifer Voignier* – Republican
Bob McEwen – Democrat
Janne Newland – Democrat
Russell Brooksbank – Libertarian
Aaron (A.D.) Stonecipher – Republican
Ron Deatrick – Democrat
Town Judge
James (Jimmie) Guilfoyle* – Democrat
Clarksville Voting Explained
The Clarksville Town Council is made up of 7 voting members, 5 district representatives and 2 At-Large representatives.
* Residents will vote on the district races based upon the district in which they reside.
* All residents will also have the opportunity to vote for 2 At-Large representatives no matter the district in which they reside.
* All residents will also vote to choose a Clerk-Treasurer and Town Judge.
What District Do I Live In?
Why does the Town of Clarksville have voting districts, and which one do you live in?
* The Town of Clarksville is divided into 5 voting districts based upon the number of residents in each area of Town.
* The purpose is for each district to have as close to the same number of residents as possible.
Voting Location Change
If you have traditionally voted at Clarksville Middle School or Clarksville High School, your polling location has changed. For the 2023 election, those residents will be voting at Renaissance Academy, 806 Eastern Blvd., Clarksville.