How long have you been a resident of Clarksville?: 57 Years
Occupation: Property Manager.
Education: Clarksville High School (1984)
Previously held elected office: None
Why did you decide to run for this office?
“As a lifelong resident of Clarksville, I have always been concerned with our town. I believe the current council is more focused on who they want to live here and not the residents who currently call Clarksville home. Over development and no concern with current or future traffic problems is a major issue. Increasing taxes and fees and residents should not be the main focus.”
What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Town of Clarksville, and what would you do to address it if elected?
“Veterans Parkway was a mess before adding hundreds of new apartments. With over 3,000 new apartments currently being planned for Clarksville, traffic everywhere is about to get much worse. In June the town council voted for a master plan that includes extending Clark Blvd. west thru the floodwall. That could bring one million cars yearly, to the Clark Blvd/Harrison Av intersection. How many stop lights will be needed to handle that increased traffic? This extension is unnecessary and very expensive to build.”
What are your goals for the office?
“Focus on current residents and businesses. Limit over development, when current infrastructure can’t handle it. Clarksville just paid Harbor Freight in a settlement, 1.7 million dollars to move. Is that good use of tax dollars? Many of the new developments are being partially subsidized by taxpayer money. That money is a gift to the developer and only recouped by the town thru increased property taxes. Which mostly go into the TIF account and not the general fund. Almost all of these huge developments are in the TIF district. Which means all of the increased tax money goes into the TIF account and doesn’t benefit the towns General fund. The council should spend tax money like it was their own money, not someone else’s. Too much waste. The TIF district takes too much money away from local schools.”
What experience do you have that makes you the best candidate for the position?
“Having lived in Clarksville’s 1st district for my entire life, I understand why the town of Clarksville has always been a popular place for people to live. I want to help keep the small town feel, not destroy it. Extending Clark Blvd. only brings in unnecessary traffic. The best entrance for Origin Park is Lewis and Clark Parkway and Brown Station Way. Many homes and several businesses will be bought out a great expense to tax payers. More Clarksville jobs will be lost. There is no reason to turn Old Clarksville into a new Veterans Parkway mess. Instead of helping businesses like the Greentree Mall, the town creates master plans to replace it with apartments. Planning in all of Clarksville seems to be an issue and I hope to be able to be a part of a solution.”
What do you think is the most important skill someone needs to fill the office you are running for?
“Listening and understanding the needs of our current residents. I would try to avoid paying out tax dollars needlessly for court settlements just to increase tax income At the deadline of this questionnaire, The ACLU is suing the town over its rental inspection program. How much are the court costs, attorney fees and probably a large settlement costing the tax payers for a needless pet project. If the ACLU thinks its a power grab and privacy rights violation, it probably is. It seems the main reason the town needs to increase tax revenue is to pay out settlements, that could have been avoided in the first place.”
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
“Many good things have been accomplished in the past 12 years. Tim Hauber has been a part of many good changes in Clarksville. I believe 12 years is enough and new ideas need to be brought to the council. Two long time council members have already chosen to leave. Another lost in the primary, possibly because of residents displeasure with Clarksville’s current direction. I believe getting fresh ideas from at least 4 new members, would help lead Clarksville in a better direction. I will not put outside developers wants above those of current residents and businesses. The town has many great employees, but a very turnover rate. The next council needs to find ways to retain current employees. It is very expensive to hire and train new people.”
If there was one thing that you could change about the Town of Clarksville, what would it be?
“Get back to the Clarksville feeling like a town. With a Town Manager running most of the day to day issues and the council mostly voting on prepared items, I think council members receive too much in benefits(salary and Health coverage). The state does not allow salaries to be reduced once they are voted in. Because of this, if elected, I will donate at least 1 month of the council salary to each of 3 charities. Clarksville Cares (It benefits Clarksville Community School Corp students that can’t afford needed items), the Clarksville Fire Departments Crusade for Children drive and the Clarksville Police Departments Shop with a Cop program.”