How long have you been a resident of Clarksville?: 11 Years
Occupation: Concert Producer; Family Caregiver; Day Trader
Education: Millikin University (2001) – Bachelors of Fine Arts; Lewis & Clark Community College (2010) – Certificate in Real Estate Contracts; Commonwealth School (2013) – Certificate in Life & Health Insurance; Florida State University (2019) – Certificate in Financial Planning
Previously held elected office: District 5 Town Council – 2 Terms
Why did you decide to run for this office?
“In order to provide taxpayers with greater transparency and officials with real-time disclosure, I am running for Clerk-Treasurer. Since our founding by General Clark, we have always been a small town that aims to achieve big goals, and we are witnessing this again with the emergence of the new Main Street District on the riverfront. With large projects on the horizon, we need enhanced tracking and reporting of our financial health, using new software and web pages, along with regular briefings on cash-flow, bond payments, and earned interest. My slogan is ‘Every dime graphed online, and all data in real time.’“
What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Town of Clarksville, and what would you do to address it if elected?
“From the perspective of the office of clerk-treasurer, the greatest challenge facing the town is maintaining the General Fund, which includes payroll for most of the town’s employees and first-responders. The specific challenges include state caps on property taxes, the capturing of additional property taxes by our Redevelopment TIF Districts, falling income tax rates with a stagnant population, and falling demand for commercial and industrial real estate in Clarksville. I believe that my primary goal will be to provide real-time reporting for the next council, so that our elected officials will not over-promise and under-deliver to taxpayers, developers, the police union, and employees. ‘Every dime graphed online, and all data in real time.’”
What are your goals for the office?
“I am prepared to achieve three goals: 1.) Protect our cash flow to ensure bond payments and redevelopment projects; 2.) Seek higher returns on our savings through bank shopping and short-bond investments; and, 3.) Enhance the reporting of our town’s finances for both the public and the next council. In addition, I look forward to finding opportunities to partner with the Clarksville Historic Commission to make records and archives more accessible and searchable.”
What experience do you have that makes you the best candidate for the position?
“I am a lifelong student of finance, having served for twenty years as the chief financial officer and co-owner of C6 Music, LLC, a concert production company. I hold a certificate in financial planning from Florida State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Millikin University (Illinois), as well as past certificates in health insurance and real estate contracts. My knowledge of municipal budgets is extensive. I have served Clarksville as a town council member for the last eight years. In addition, I chaired the Redevelopment Commission from 2016-2022, which oversaw the transformation of the Marathon oil-tank field into the new, Main Street District. Additionally, I served for eight years as a committee member overseeing the protection of insurance and benefits for town employees. I also served as Fire Safety Budget Director in 2016 and 2017, spearheading conversations which led to the creation of a new, fire territory with a solvent budget, as of 2021.”
What do you think is the most important skill someone needs to fill the office you are running for?
“The next clerk-treasurer needs recent experience and training in both municipal finance and bond markets, in addition to the ability to clearly communicate data in a timely fashion.”
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
“To my knowledge, my opponent has not attended at any town or committee meetings during the past eight years. I believe my record of service, and the bi-partisan support of my past appointments, speak well of the trust which I have earned as a servant leader.”
If there was one thing that you could change about the Town of Clarksville, what would it be?
“Every dime graphed online, and all the data in real time.”