Boards & Commissions
Much of the work of town government is carried out by various commissions and committees. The members of these groups are appointed either by the Town Council president or the Council as a whole. Some groups are determined by statutory regulations.
Plan Commission
The Advisory Plan Commission is composed of four citizens and three elected or appointed officials or town employees. The goal of the Plan Commission is to improve the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents of Clarksville. This is carried out through a planned roadway system, maintenance of residential areas and their surroundings and attention to areas of growth.
The Plan Commission uses the Clarksville Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations as guidelines in decision making. Clarksville’s Plan Commission is designated as advisory, which means that many of their decisions, such as changes in zoning classification, must be ratified by the Town Council.
Doug Fisher
Tony Munich
Jennifer Voignier
Damon Smith
Don Sloan
Zach Allen
Cary Stemle
Building Commission
The Building Commission works with the Building Commissioner to investigate properties that may be in violation of Clarksville’s building ordinances. The Commission and the Building Commissioner deal with the owners of properties that are deemed in violation to resolve how to address the violations and bring the properties into compliance.
Steve Allen
Jim Conklin
Jeff Donayel
James McCoskey
Dennis Price
Redevelopment Commission
The Redevelopment Commission is set up to improve blighted areas within the town. This is done by investigating the causes of blighted areas and combating these causes through promoting the use of land in a manner that serves the interests of the town and its residents. Clarksville has set up a tax increment financing (TIF) district in one of the areas this commission oversees.
The funds from the TIF provide a resource for improvements in the area and allow infrastructure projects that might not be possible with general funds. Five members serve on this Commission, two selected by the council and three appointed by the Council President.
Alan Butts
Bob Stotts
Janne Newland
Bob McEwen
Bryant Haas
Economic Development Commission
The three members of the Economic Development Commission work closely with the Redevelopment Commission for the improvement of Clarksville. This commission is charged with creating or retaining business opportunities in the town. Many of these businesses have located in areas identified by the Redevelopment Commission as needing improvement.
Terri Vance
Jeff Donayel
County Council Rep (TBD)
Metropolitan Board of Police, Fire & Safety Commission
The three-member board is appointed by the Town Council. The Board is responsible making rules for the governing and discipline of the members of the departments. They are also responsible for the hiring, promotion, demotion, suspension, and dismissal of members of the Fire and Police Departments.
Lester Allen
Mike Ross
Missy Rassenfoss
Dan Tenney
Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks Board consists of four members appointed by the town council president, one member from the Clarksville Community School Board and one citizen representing citizens who live outside the Town’s boundaries and is appointed by the Circuit Court Judge.
The Parks Board is responsible for the policies and operation of the Parks Department including personnel and facilities. The board members are also responsible for approving and administering the budget for the Parks Department. This function is carried out by the Town Council for all other departments.
Members of the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Board are appointed by the Clarksville Town Council, and oversee the operations of the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department. The Board meets the second Wednesday of every month.
Paul Gibson
Mick Rutherford
Leslie Sutherland
James Zimmerman
April Hauber
Redevelopment Authority
The three-member Board is appointed by the Town Council President. The purpose of the Board is to act as the bonding authority and owner of new municipal facilities constructed through the sale of municipal bonds.
John Medcraft
Shilese Stover
Brittany Montgomery
Insurance Review Committee
The members are appointed by the Town Council with the purpose of reviewing health, property, casualty, and liability coverage and making recommendation for changes to the Council.
Doug Fisher
Shirley Makowsky
Daniel Moody
Bob Stotts
Scott Peyton
A.D. Stonecipher
Kevin Baity (ex officio, non voting)
Amy Schoenbachler
Arts Commission
The members are appointed by the Town Council with the purpose of promoting visual and performing arts in Clarksville. Members must be residents of Clarksville or own a Clarksville business.
Megan Mager
Cory Hoehn
Kim Decker
Lori Davis
Lynn Lewis
Historic Preservation Commission
The nine-member Board is appointed by the Town Council President. The Commission shall be concerned with and act upon those elements of development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and preservation that affect visual quality in a historic district.
April Hauber
Lynn Lewis
Terri Vance
Ryan Ramsey
Karen Henderson
Ted Branstetter
Cailen Medcraft
Jerrod Kraft
Tourism Board of Managers
The Town Council President appoints two members to the Board who oversee the operation of the Clark-Floyd Counties Convention Tourism Bureau.
Tammi Gibson
Kyle Hoehn
Ohio River Greenway Commission
The Town Council President appoints three members to the eleven-member Commission. The mission of the Ohio River Greenway is to provide a common linkage between the communities of Jeffersonville, Clarksville, and New Albany, Indiana along the banks of the Ohio River and to promote a passive recreational environment for river access, while allowing each community to construct riverfront amenities to enhance the overall project.
Tony Munich
Shileese Stover
Ryan Ramsey
BJ Nelson-Lynton
ADA Compliance/Grievance Committee
The Town Council President appoints the three-member Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to accept, review and seek resolution to local violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Adam Rayborn
Amy Schoenbachler
Rick Riggle
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals is a five-member board with appointees by the Town Council, Town Council President, and Plan Commission. The purpose of this Board is to review petitions by property owners for variances from the Zoning Ordinance, special exceptions, and appeals of an administrative decision. A strict set of criteria is applied to the review of petitions before the Board of Zoning Appeals to ensure that requests will not lead to negative impacts to Clarksville residents or adjacent property values. Decisions made by this Board are final, and are only subject to appeals at the Circuit Court level.