How long have you been a resident of Clarksville?: 51 Years
Occupation: Sales Administration and Office Manager
Education: Clarksville High School (1990); Indiana University Southeast; Ivy Tech – Business Administration
Previously held elected office: None
Why did you decide to run for this office?
“I felt a strong pull to serve my community and give my neighborhood a voice for changes that affect my neighbors.”
What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Town of Clarksville, and what would you do to address it if elected?
“Currently I feel the largest challenge is maneuvering new development while maintaining what has kept Clarksville special. The small town safe feeling for residents.”
What are your goals for the office?
“My goals are to be able to help communicate to the residents of Clarksville better. What projects and plans are happening within our community? I hope to be a positive resource for information for the residents of Clarksville.”
What experience do you have that makes you the best candidate for the position?
“I have been a resident of Clarksville my entire life, graduated from Clarksville High School. I have worked within the construction industry for over 25 years. I have an understanding of how and why construction developments work and progress and feel my knowledge can help to inform residents of the How’s and Why’s of new developments in our Town.”
What do you think is the most important skill someone needs to fill the office you are running for?
“Communication is the most important skill and the ability to ask the right questions when something needs to be questioned.”
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
“If I am honest I feel District 3 is very fortunate to have two good candidates to choose from. I have good working knowledge of construction and projects and understand what is involved in public relations and communicating to the residents what is progressing through the course of projects.”
If there was one thing that you could change about the Town of Clarksville, what would it be?
“This is why I am interested in running is to get in get involved and learn what can be changed to help make Clarksville better.”