Town Services
Listed below are the majority of Services for the Town of Clarksville. Click on a letter to view the different services and topics of your interest.
Abandoned Vehicles: To report an abandoned vehicle, contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Accident Report: Accident reports are obtained at the Police Department – contact the Records Clerk at (812) 288-7151 for hours of operation and fee.
Accommodations for Handicapped: The Clarksville Municipal Center is handicapped accessible. However, special accommodations can be made if necessary. Contact the Human Resources, (812) 283-1504. Please allow at least two business days notice for your request.
Accounts Payable: The Accounts Payable Clerk can be reached in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office, (812) 283-1500.
Aerobics Classes: For information on schedules, fees and locations, contact the Parks & Recreation Department at (812) 283-5313. Or visit
Alarm Monitoring: The Police Department monitors a limited number of alarms for businesses. Contact the Police Administrative Officer at (812) 288-7151 for more information.
Ambulance Service: Emergency ambulance service is provided through an agreement with the Clark County Commissioners. Call 911 for emergency ambulance service.
Animal Bites: Animal bites should be reported to the Clark County Health Department, (812) 282-7521.
Animal Control: To report stray animals, contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
Animal Shelter: The Jeffersonville Animal Shelter is located at 2406 Hamburg Pike in Jeffersonville. Contact (812) 282-0071 for more information.
Appliance Disposal: The Street Department will pick up appliances that are placed with other trash. Contact the Street Department at (812) 283-8233 for regulations on refrigerators and freon disposal.
Aquatic Center: The Clarksville Cove Family Aquatic Center located at 800 S. Clark Boulevard is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. For information on hours of operation, admission prices and programs, call (812) 280-2095 or visit
Auto License: The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has locations at 1150 East Louis and Clark Parkway in Clarksville and 821 Mount Tabor Road in New Albany. Contact 888-642-6841 for information about hours of operation.
Better Business Bureau: The Louisville Better Business Bureau can be reached at (502) 583-6546.
Birth Records: Contact the Clark County Health Department, (812) 284-6609.
Block Watch: To request information about setting up a block watch, contact the Public Relations Officer at the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Boards and Commissions: Citizens are encouraged to become involved in their town by volunteering to serve on Clarksville’s boards and commissions. Contact the Town Manager, (812) 283-1504, for more information.
Board of Zoning Appeals: This board hears requests for variances, special exceptions, and appeals to the zoning ordinance. Their meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. Contact the Planning & Zoning Department at (812)283-1510 for more information.
Budget: Information about the Town budget can be obtained from the Clerk-Treasurer’s office, (812) 283-1500.
Building Codes: Information about building code inspection and regulation can be obtained from the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Building Commissioner: The office of the Building Commissioner is located in Suite 234 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. The telephone number is (812) 283-1510.
Building Permits: A building permit is required for fill; framing, plumbing, electrical and heating installation; sprinkler systems, fire alarm, hood assemblies; fences; sidewalks; foundations; signs and other building projects. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, 812-283-1510, for more information.
Burning, Outdoor: Due to air quality restrictions in Clark County, open burning is not allowed.
Bus Routes and Schedules: The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) serves Clarksville. Route and schedule information can be obtained by calling (502) 585-1234.
Business Licenses: The Town does not issue general business licenses, however, the Town does require applications and licenses for certain businesses including transient merchants, taxi-cab, massage therapists, and adult businesses. Contact the Building Commissioner or Planning & Zoning, (812)283-1510 regarding these. It may be necessary to obtain permits from the State of Indiana before opening a business. Contact the Indiana Department of Revenue, 812-282-7729, for more information.
Cable Television: The Town of Clarksville is served by Spectrum Communications (844) 316-8554 and AT&T (844) 341-2648.
Chamber of Commerce: The Southern Indiana Chamber of Commerce is located at 4100 Charlestown Road, New Albany. Their phone number is 945-0266.
Child Abuse: To report child abuse, contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151 or Clark County Child Protection Services at (812) 288-5444.
Clark County Government: To reach any Clark County office in the County Building, call the switchboard at (812) 285-6200.
Clerk-Treasurer: The Clerk-Treasurer’s office is responsible for accepting and disbursing funds and for maintaining town records, such as minutes and ordinances. The office of the Clerk-Treasurer is located in Suite 138 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. The telephone number is (812) 283-1500.
Code Enforcement: The Building Commissioner is responsible for building code enforcement. That office can be reached at (812) 283-1510.
Community Center: The Clarksville Community Center, which is operated by the Parks Department and located at 2311 Sam Gwin Drive, can be rented for wedding receptions, birthday parties, baby showers, and much more. For more information call the Parks Department at (812) 283-5313 or visit
Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range roadmap for future growth and development within Town. For information on this plan, contact Planning & Zoning, (812) 283-1510.
Construction Permits: A building permit is required for fill; framing, plumbing, electrical and heating installation; sprinkler systems, fire alarm, hood assemblies; fences; sidewalks; foundations; signs and other building projects. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, 812-283-1510, for more information.
Convention Bureau: The Convention Bureau administrative offices are located at 315 Southern Indiana Avenue in Jeffersonville. A Visitor Center is located next to the administrative building. For information about hotels and attractions in Southern Indiana, call (812) 282-6654.
Council, Town: Regular meetings of the Clarksville Town Council are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Administration Building. These meetings are open to the public. Contact the Town Manager, (812) 283-1504, for information.
Court, Town: The Clarksville Town Court is located in Suite 109 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. For information about tickets, fines or court cases, contact the Court Clerk at (812) 283-1505.
Crime Busters: To reach Crime Busters, call (812) 284-4636.
Curb Cuts: To request a permit for a curb cut, contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
DARE Program: The Clarksville Police Department provides the Drug Abuse Resistance Education to fifth graders in schools in Clarksville. Contact the DARE officer at (812) 288-7151.
Death Records: Contact the Clark County Health Department at (812) 284-6609.
Decks: For information on permits for deck construction, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Development Plan: All new construction, and many building renovations or site changes require approval of a development plan by the Plan Commission. For more information contact Planning & Zoning, (812) 283-1510.
Dog License: Dog licenses are issued by the Jeffersonville Township Trustee in the City-County Building, 501 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville. The telephone number is (812) 285-6240.
Dogs: The leash law requires dogs to be on a leash or under the owner’s control. Contact the Animal Control Officer, (812) 283-8233, to report a stray dog.
Drainage: To report a sewer drain problem contact the Wastewater Treatment Department, (812) 283-7714. For storm drain problems contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
Driver’s License: The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has locations at 1150 East Louis and Clark Parkway in Clarksville and 821 Mount Tabor Road in New Albany. Contact 888-642-6841 for information about hours of operation.
Easements: The Town or utility companies are provided access to a portion of property for a specific reason through the granting of an easement. Information on easements for property can be obtained in the Clark County Auditor’s office at the City-County Building, 501 E. Court Avenue, Jeffersonville. The telephone number is (812) 285-6211.
Elections: Information on local, state and federal elections and voter registration can be obtained at the Voter Registration Office of the Clark County Clerk, (812) 285-6329.
Electrical Code Administration: the Building Commissioner conducts electrical inspections. For more information contact the office, (812) 283-1510.
Electrical License: Electricians conducting business in Clarksville are required to have a license issued by the Town. Licenses are issued based on scores on the National Assessment Test or the NAI/Block & Associates. For more information contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Electrical Permit: Electrical permits are required for any new residential or commercial electrical work, upgrading service, or moving an electrical meter. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510, for more information.
Electric Utility: Duke Energy serves a portion of Clarksville. Their service number is 866-236-3749. Residents in the northern part of Clarksville are served by Clark County REMC. Their service number is (812) 246-3316.
Emergency Service: For Fire, Police or Ambulance emergencies, call 911.
Employment: The Town of Clarksville is an equal opportunity employer. For information about current openings or to submit an application, contact The Human Resources Department, (812) 283-1504.
Endris Lodge: Endris Lodge, at Lapping Park, can accommodate approximately 90 people. The lodge is an ideal place to hold meetings, wedding receptions, family reunions, etc. For information on rental of Endris Lodge, contact the Parks Department, (812) 283-5313 or visit
Event Information: For Parks Department activities visit
Facility Rental: For use of parks facilities, contact the Parks Department, (812) 283-5313.
Falls of the Ohio State Park: This state park is located at 201 W. Riverside Drive in Clarksville. The Interpretive Center is open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sunday; closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call (812) 280-9970 for more information.
Fences: For information on regulations and permit requirements for fences, contact the Planning & Zoning or the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Fill Permits: Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510, regarding requirements for fill permits and fees.
Fines: For information on fines and court costs, contact the Court Clerk, (812) 283-1505.
Fire: To report a fire call 911.
Fire Alarm Systems (Commercial): Commercial fire alarm systems require a Construction design release form the Department of Homeland Security, a permit from the Town of Clarksville and be inspected by the Fire Marshal & Building Commissioner. Permits are issued by the Building Commissioners office. For more information contact 812-283-1510.
Fire Department: The headquarters for the Fire Department is located at 2249 Sam Gwin Drive. For emergencies, call 911. For non-emergencies, call (812) 282-7619.
Fire Inspections: The Fire Department conducts regular inspections of businesses in the town. For more information or to request an inspection, contact (812) 282-7619.
Flood Plain Information: To find out if property lies within a flood plain and what restrictions apply, contact Planning & Zoning, (812) 283-1510.
Food Stamps: For information about food stamps, contact the Clark County office of Family & Children, 1200 Madison, Clarksville, (812) 288-5400.
Garbage Collection: Contact the Street Department for information on garbage, yard waste and leaf collection, (812) 283-8233.
Gas Utility: Clarksville is served by Vectren Energy. To report problems with service, call 800-227-1376.
Golf Course: Clarksville’s 18-hole Wooded View Golf Course and driving range are located at Lapping Park, 2404 Greentree North. Call (812) 283-9274 for information about hours and tee times. For more information visit:
Grass: The Town ordinance requires grass and weeds not to exceed 12 inches in height. To report a problem with unmowed grass or weeds, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Handicapped Parking: Clarksville enforces handicapped parking spaces. The fine is $50. If you have a handicapped sticker and received a citation for a handicapped-parking violation, contact the Court Clerk, (812) 283-1505.
Handgun Permits: Permits are issued through the Police Department. Contact the Records Clerk, (812) 288-7151, for information on hours of operation, fees and other requirements.
Hazardous Materials Spills: To report a hazardous materials spill, contact the Fire Department, (812) 282-7619.
Health Department: The Clark County Health Department main office is located at 1320 Duncan in Jeffersonville; phone number is (812) 282-7521. The Indiana Department of Health can be contacted at 317-233-7811.
Home Improvements: Information on permits required for home improvements can be obtained from the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
House Numbers: The Town requires addresses to be shown on each house or building with numbers a minimum of 3 inches tall.
Household Hazardous Waste: For information on disposal of household hazardous wastes (paint products, lawn chemicals, household chemicals, motor oil, etc.) contact the Clark County Solid Waste Management District, (812) 285-7963.
Housing Code Standards: Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510, for information on housing codes.
Impounded Autos: Contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151, for information on impounded vehicles.
Inspections: To schedule electrical, plumbing, mechanical or building inspections, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Interpretive Center: The Falls of the Ohio Interpretive Center, at the Ohio River fossil beds, is open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The center is closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call (812) 280-9970 for more information. See Falls of the Ohio State Park.
Jeffersonville, City of: To reach the Mayor’s office, call (812) 285-6400.
Judge, Town: To contact the Judge or for information about court dates, call the Court Clerk, (812) 283-1505.
Junk: To obtain information or report violations of Town ordinances regarding accumulation of junk and trash, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
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Land Use: For information on zoning information or the Clarksville Comprehensive Plan, contact Planning & Zoning, (812) 283-1510.
Leaf Pickup: The Street Department maintains a regular schedule for leaf pickup during autumn. Contact the Street Department for the schedule, (812) 283-8233.
Leash Law: The leash law requires dogs to be on a leash or under the owner’s control. Contact the Animal Control Officer, (812) 283-8233, to report a stray dog.
Library: The Clarksville Branch of the Jeffersonville Township Public Library is located at 1312 Eastern Boulevard. Their telephone number is (812) 285-5640.
License Tags: For information about vehicle license tags, contact the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has locations at 1150 East Louis and Clark Parkway in Clarksville and 821 Mount Tabor Road in New Albany. Contact 888-642-6841 for information about hours of operation.
Licenses, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical: A license issued by the Town is required for conducting electrical, plumbing or mechanical business in Clarksville. Electrical and heating licenses are issued based on scores on the National Assessment Test or the NAI/Block & Associates. Plumbing licenses are issued to plumbers licensed through the State of Indiana. For more information contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Little League: For information about Clarksville Little League visit
Liquor License: Liquor licenses are obtained from the Indiana Alcohol Beverage Commission, (317) 232-2444.
Manhole Hazards: To report a missing or damaged manhole, contact the Wastewater Treatment Department, (812) 283-7714.
Mapping and GIS: For more information regarding mapping services, maps, data, or GIS (Geographic Information System), contact Planning & Zoning, (812)283-1510.
Marriage License: Information on how to obtain a marriage license can be obtained from the Clark County Clerk, (812) 285-6244.
Massage Therapist: A town ordinance requires massage therapists to obtain a license. Contact Planning & Zoning or the Building Commissioner’s office for information, (812)283-1510.
Mechanical Code Administration: The Building Commissioner’s office is responsible for administering codes regarding mechanical (HVAC) projects such as heating and air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration. Contact the office at 812-283-1510.
Mechanical Inspection: To schedule a mechanical inspection (HVAC), contact the Building Commissioner’s office, 812-283-1510.
Mechanical License: Mechanical contractors (HVAC) conducting business in Clarksville are required to have a license issued by the Town. Licenses are issued based on scores on the National Assessment Test or the NAI/Block & Associates. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office for more information, 812-283-1510.
Mechanical Permits: For information on requirements and fees for mechanical (HVAC) permits, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, 812-283-1510.
Noise Ordinance: For information on the Town’s noise ordinance or to issue a complaint, contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Odors: To report sewer odors, contact the Wastewater Treatment Department, 283-7714.
Open Meetings: With a few exceptions, all meetings conducted by the Clarksville Town Council and the boards, committees and commissions of the Town are required to be open meetings. For information about scheduled meetings, contact the Town Manager, (812) 283-1504.
Ordinances: Copies of Town ordinances can be obtained from the Clerk-Treasurer’s office in the Administration Building. For more information call (812)283-1500.
Parking Tickets: Information on fines for parking tickets and court appearances can be obtained from the Court Clerk, (812) 283-1505.
Parks and Recreation Department: The Parks and Recreation Department is located in Suite 221 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. Office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. For information about parks, rental of facilities and programs, contact the office at (812) 283-5313 or visit
Pavement Cut Permits: To obtain a permit for a pavement cut, contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
Paving: Contact the Street Department at (812) 283-8233, for scheduled street paving or to request a street paving.
Permits: Building permits are required for construction, renovation and repair in many instances, including plumbing, electrical, heating, fences, foundations, etc. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510, for specific information and fees.
Permitted Use: Contact the Planning Department at (812) 283-1417 or (812) 283-1418 for zoning and permitted use information.
Picnic Shelter Reservations: Contact the Parks Department, (812) 283-5313, to reserve a shelterhouse at one of Clarksville’s parks. Or reserve online at
Plan Commission: The Clarksville Plan Commission meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 7:00 PM in the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. This board is responsible for zoning in the Town. For more information, contact the Planning Department at 812-283-1417 or 812-283-1418.
Plumbing Code Administration: The Building Commissioner’s office is responsible for enforcement of plumbing codes. For information contact (812) 283-1510.
Plumbing Inspections: To schedule a plumbing inspection, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Plumbing License: Plumbers conducting business in Clarksville are required to have a license issued by the Town. Licenses are issued based on licensing by the State of Indiana. Contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510, for more information.
Plumbing Permits: For information on requirements and fees for plumbing installation, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Police Department: The Woody Gilbert Police Administration Building is located at 1970 Broadway. For emergencies call 911. For non-emergencies, call (812) 288-7151.
Police Reports: Incident and accident reports are available from the Records Clerk at the Police Department. For information on hours of operation and fees, contact the Records Clerk at (812) 288-7151.
Post Office: Jeffersonville Main Post Office, 303 Court Avenue, (812)284-4834; Clarksville branch, 757 E. Lewis & Clark Parkway, (812) 283-1396
Potholes: To report the location of a pothole, contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
Property Taxes: Property taxes are due in two installments, May and November. For information on property taxes, contact the Clark County Treasurer, 285-6205. For information or questions regarding your property assessment, contact the Clark County Assessor, (812) 285-6225.
Prosecutor: The Clark County Prosecutor can be contacted at (812) 285-6264.
Public Meetings: With a few exceptions, all meetings conducted by the Town Council and the boards, commissions and committees of the Town are open to the public. Notices are sent to newspapers regarding meetings and posted in the Administration Building. For information about Town meetings, contact the Town Manager, (812) 283-1504.
Public Hearings: Public hearings are required by law in specific instances. Legal notices for public hearings are published in the N&T and posted in the Administration Building.
Public Transportation: Contact TARC in Louisville, (502) 585-1234 or, for schedule information.
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Railroad Crossings: CSX Railroad maintains railroad crossings in the Town. Contact the Town Manager, (812)283-1504, if there is a problem with a railroad crossing.
Rainout Information, Softball: For information on rainouts at the Clarksville Softball Complex, contact the Parks Hotline, (812)280-PARK (7275).
Records, Police: For information about accident and incident reports, contact the Records Clerk at the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Records, Town: For information about Town Council minutes, ordinances, etc., contact the Clerk-Treasurer’s office, (812)283-1500.
Recreational Activities: For information about youth and adult programs, contact the Parks and Recreation Department Hotline, (812)283-5313 or visit
Recycling: The Clark County Solid Waste Management District, 9208 Highway 62, is responsible for curbside and drop-off recycling in Clarksville. For information on pick up or drop-off sites and what items are recyclable, contact (812)256-7942.
Redevelopment Commission: The Clarksville Redevelopment Commission meets the first fourth Thursday Tuesday of each month at 7:30 – 7:00 PM in the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. For information on special meetings, contact the Town Council Administrator, 812-283-1504.
Rental of Facilities: For information on renting park facilities, contact the Parks Department, (812)283-5313. For information about use of the Administration Building, contact the Town Council Administrator, (812)283-1504.
Reporting a Crime: To report an emergency, call 911. For other incidents, contact the Police Department, (812)288-7151.
Resident Parking Only: To request a “resident parking only” sign, contact the Town Manager, (812)283-1504.
RUOK: This service provides a daily phone call to elderly or disabled residents of Clarksville. The Police Department investigates if the call is not answered. Contact the Records Clerk, (812)288-7151, for more information.
Safety Patrol: The Safety Patrol of the Police Department augments the sworn officers. The Safety Patrol issues tickets for parking violations and takes reports for routine accidents and incidents.
School Districts: The Town of Clarksville is served by three school districts. Contact the administrative offices of each district directly to determine which district serves your residence.
- Clarksville Community Schools – (812)282-7753 200 Ettels Lane, Clarksville
- Greater Clark County Schools – (812)283-0701 2112 Utica-Sellersburg Road, Jeffersonville
- West Clark Community Schools – (812)246-3375 601 Rentz Avenue, Sellersburg
Senior Activities: For information on senior activities, contact the Parks Department Hotline, (812) 280-PARK (7275).
Sewer Back Up: To report problems with sewer back up contact the Wastewater Treatment Plant, (812) 283-7714.
Sewer Bill: The Wastewater Billing office is located in the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. The hours of operation are 8:30 AM to 4:00 4:30 PM For questions regarding your sewer bill, contact the Wastewater Billing office, 812-282-0441.
Sewer Odors: To report unusual odors from the sewer system, call the Wastewater Treatment Plant, (812)283-7714.
Sight Obstruction: To report trees or objects that obstruct motorists’ line of sight at intersections, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Sign Ordinance: The Town Zoning Ordinance regulates the size, number, location and structural design of signs. For information about the sign ordinance, contact Planning & Zoning, (812)283-1510.
Social Security Administration: Located at 2656 Charlestown Road, New Albany, 800-772-1213.
Softball Leagues: For information on Softball Leagues or field rental, contact the Parks and Recreation Department, (812)283-5313 or visit
Special Accommodations: The Clarksville Municipal Center is handicapped accessible. However, special accommodations can be made if necessary. Contact the Town Manager, (812)283-1504. Please allow at least two business days notice for your request.
Special Exception: To request a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (812)283-1417 or (812)283-1418
Sprinkler Systems (Commercial): Where sprinkler systems are required, a Construction design release form the Department of Homeland Security and a permit from the Town of Clarksville are required and be inspected by the Fire Marshal & Building Commissioner. Permits are issued by the Building Commissioners office. For more information contact the office, 812-283-1510.
Street Department: The Clarksville Street Department is located at 107 Roy Cole Drive. The hours of operation are 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM Labor Day to Memorial Day; 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM Memorial Day to Labor Day, Monday through Friday and the telephone number is (812)283-8233.
Stormwater Problems: To report problems with stormwater, contact the Stormwater Office at (812)283-8233 ext. 3.
Streetlights: To request a new streetlight or to report a problem with a streetlight, contact the Town Council Administrator, (812)283-1504.
Street Maintenance: To report a problem with a Town street, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Street Signs: To report missing or damaged street signs or to request special signs, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Street Sweeping: To obtain information about the schedule for street sweeping, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Subdivisions: For information on subdivision development or regulations, contact Planning & Zoning at (812)283-1510.
Swimming Pool: Located at 800 S. Clark Boulevard, the Clarksville Cove Family Aquatic Center is open Memorial Day through Labor Day. For information contact Clarksville Cove at (812)280-2095 or visit
Swimming Pool Installation: For information on regulations regarding installation of residential swimming pools, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812)283-1510.
TARC: Transit Authority of River City in Louisville provides bus service to Clarksville. For schedule information, call (502)585-1234 or
Taxes: For information on property taxes, contact the Clark County Treasurer’s office, (812) 285-6205.
TDD: The TDD number for the Municipal Center is (812)283-1521.
Technical Review Committee (TRC): The Technical Review Committee is made up of all department directors, and is intended to review a number of various projects during early stages of development. The TRC makes final decisions in some cases, but in most cases make a recommendation to the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Town Council. The TRC meets on the second and last Thursday of every month between the hours of 9:00-11:30. To be scheduled contact Planning & Zoning, (812)283-1510.
Tennis Courts: Tennis courts are located at Colgate Park and Ray Lawrence Park. For more information, contact the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, (812) 283-5313 or visit
Tennis Lessons: For information on tennis lessons, contact the Clarksville Parks and Recreation Department, (812)283-5313 or visit
Town Council: The offices of the Clarksville Town Council are located in Suite 208 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. Regular council meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. For questions contact the Town Manager at (812)283-1503.
Town Manager: The offices of the Clarksville Town Manager are located in Suite 208 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. For questions day-to-day operations, council meetings, agenda or members, contact the manager at (812)283-1504.
Town Judge: To contact the Town Judge, call the Court Clerk at (812) 283-1505.
Traffic Accidents: For emergencies, call 911. To report other accidents, contact the Police Department, (812)288-7151.
Traffic Fines: For information on the amount of a fine, contact the Court Clerk, (812)283-1505. Pay online for traffic tickets here.
Traffic Signals: To report a problem with a traffic signal, contact the Street Department (812)283-8233.
Transportation Service: For information on bus schedules, contact TARC, (812)585-1234 or visit
Transient Merchant: Transient merchants are required to obtain a permit. For more information contact the Building Commissioners office, 812-283-1510.
Trash Collection: For information on schedules for yard waste and garbage collection, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Trees: To report a problem with trees or limbs on right-of-way, contact the Street Department, (812)283-8233.
Unsafe Building: To report a property that is unsafe contact the Building Commissioner’s office at (812) 283-1510.
Sewer Service – Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Service (812) 283-7714 Billing (812) 282-0441
Gas Service – Vectren Energy 800-227-1376
Electrical Service – Cinergy/PSI 800-343-3525 (power outages) 800-521-2232 (customer service) Clark County REMC (812) 246-3316
Water Service – Indiana-American Water 800-492-8373
Emergency (812)284-7187
Silver Creek Water (812) 246-2889
Sellersburg Water (812) 246-3821
Watson Water (812) 246-5416
Telephone Service – SBC 800-742-8771
Cable Service – Spectrum Communications (844) 316-8554
Utility Line Location: Before digging you should know the location of utility lines. Call Before You Dig (BUD), 800-382-5544, for help in locating utility lines.
Vacation House Watch: To have the Police provide drive-by observation of your home when you are away, contact the Records Clerk, (812) 288-7151.
Variances: For information on the procedure to request a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, contact the Planning & Zoning office, 812-283-1510.
Vectren Energy: Vectren Energy Co. provides natural gas service to residents of Clarksville. Their service number is 800-227-1376
Vehicle Emission Testing: 1502 Research Drive, Jeffersonville, 888-240-1684.
Vehicles, Impounded: For information on impounded vehicles, contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Vehicles, Junk: To report a problem with junk vehicles, contact the Police Department, (812) 288-7151.
Voter Registration: For information on voter registration and precinct voting places, contact the Clark County Voter Registration office, (812) 285-6329.
Warrants: For information on outstanding warrants, contact the Court Clerk, (812) 283-1505.
Wastewater Billing: The Wastewater Billing office is located in Suite 136 of the Administration Building, 2000 Broadway. Office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:00 – 4:30 PM For questions, call 812-282-0441.
Wastewater Service: For problems with sewer service, contact the Wastewater Treatment Plant, (812) 283-7714. The plant is located at #1 Leuthart Drive off Brown’s Station Way.
Wedding License: Information on how to obtain a marriage license can be obtained from the Clark County Clerk, (812) 285-6244.
Welfare: For information about welfare services, contact the Clark County Office of Family & Children, 1200 Madison, Clarksville, (812) 288-5400.
Weeds: The Clarksville zoning ordinance requires weeds and grass not to exceed 12 inches. To report overgrown weeds or grass, contact the Building Commissioner’s office, (812) 283-1510.
Wooded View Golf Course: This 18-hole course with driving range is located at Lapping Park, 2404 Greentree North. Call (812) 283-9274, for hours of operation and tee times. For more information visit:
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Yard Waste: State law prohibits grass clippings, leaves, limbs and other yard waste from being disposed of in Indiana landfills. A separate pick up is scheduled for yard waste in approved containers, and yard waste containers are located at the Street Department for drop off. For information on yard waste disposal, contact the Street Department, (812) 283-8233.
Zoning: For information on the zoning of property, requirements and restrictions, or petitions for zoning changes, contact Planning & Zoning, (812)283-1510.
When there is a problem, you want a phone number – FAST!
Electrical line down? Dangerous stray animal? Pot hole?