CLARKSVILLE, IN (April 10, 2023) – The Clarksville Police Department is working to give residents and visitors as much information about area road closings as possible ahead of this year’s event. Today the department released a list of of the roads that will be closed and when the closings will occur. One major change from previous years is difference is that no foot traffic will be allowed to pass through the flood wall opening on Main Street due to construction. Instead, visitors will have to walk around the Bolt + Tie building to enter the riverfront, or down to Winbourne to access the riverfront.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Roads Closing at 11:00am
– Riverside Drive at Main Street (Formerly Woerner Avenue)
– South Sherwood at Winbourne Avenue
– Smyser Avenue at the Floodwall
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Roads Closing at 6:00am
– South Clark Boulevard at Winbourne Avenue
– South Clark Boulevard at Beckett Street
– Montgomery Avenue at Virginia Avenue
– Montgomery Avenue at Sherwood Avenue
– South Clark Boulevard at Sherwood Avenue
– Harrison Avenue at Bailey Avenue
– Marriott Drive at Montgomery Avenue
– Winbourne Avenue at Riverside Drive
– Emery Crossing at Summer Place
– Emery Crossing at McCullough Pike
Roads Closing at 10:00am
– South Clark Boulevard at Main Street (Residents and Business Permits Only)
Roads Closing at 2:00pm
– South Clark Boulevard at Montgomery Avenue (Residents, Entry to VIP, Church, Handicap Parking Only)
Roads Closing at 4:00pm
– Smyser Avenue at the Floodwall
– South Sherwood at Riverside Drive
Roads Closing in the PM as Needed
– North Clark Boulevard at Brown Station Way
– Emory Crossing at McCullough Pike
The “Event Area” is the area starting at Main Street and Riverside Drive, and extending west along Riverside Drive ending at the Interpretive Center. This includes all public park areas, flood walls, parking lots, and roads. In order to provide a fun and enjoyable Thunder Experience for everyone, the following rules will be strictly enforced in the “Event Area”:
- No Alcohol
- No Animals (See Service Animal Rules)
- No Bicycles
- No Motorcycles
- No Mopeds
- No Skateboards
- No Rollerskates / Blades
- No Unauthorized Golf Carts
- No Glass Objects
- No Grills
- No Tents or Structures
- No Flying Devices, Including Drones
All Bags, Coolers, Etc. are SUBJECT TO SEARCH in the event area. All Indiana State Laws and Clarksville Town Ordinances will be enforced, including the ban on the use of Alcohol, Drugs, Disorderly Conduct, or any other means of distracting from the enjoyment of the event by the general public.
Services Animal Rules:
All individuals requiring a service animal in the event area MUST be able to present their service animal REGISTRATION or CERTIFICATION paperwork. Individuals without the proper service animal credentials will be asked to leave the event area and return with the proper paperwork. Animals in training will not be allowed in the event area.