CLARKSVILLE, IN (May 31, 2024) – This Saturday, CCARC—Indiana will kick off the LCTOTA event with an activation of the Falls of the Ohio State Park in Clarksville, Indiana. However, this year, we will be at the George Rogers Clark Cabin location (1021 Harrison Ave, Clarksville, IN), not at the interpretive center.
The Lewis and Clark Trail on the Air special event is an on-air activity that commemorates the historic Lewis and Clark Trail. The trail covers 4900 miles through 16 states. This includes the disembarkation from Camp Dubois and what is referred to as the Eastern Legacy. The event is sponsored by the Clark County Amateur Radio Club (WA) with support and participation from clubs in all 16 states along the historic trail.
9 AM: Setup Time
10 AM to 3 PM – Operating Hours
Operating Notes:
-No electricity is available at the site – Bring batteries
-The club will bring 20 and 40M antennas for stations.
-Bring your own Radio or share it with other club members.
-We will set up in the pavilion. We are still trying to reserve the location.
-Bring a chair
Special Event Station Information:
You can be a special event operator for this event and use the club call – W9WWI from any place in Indiana during the scheduled time.
June 1st, 2024 to June 16th, 2024 (May 31st, 5pm Pacific – June 15th, 5pm Pacific)
Time Start: 0000 UTC
Time Ends: 2400 UTC
Operating Hours:
24 hrs/day for the duration of the event
Simple Rules:
Contact one club in each of the 16 states on the historic Lewis and Clark Trail. Operating modes include SSB Phone, FM Phone, CW, and FT8/FT4. Any combination of modes to work all 16 states is allowed. A schedule for planned operations for each state will be posted on this website.
To Take Part:
Register with CCARC by emailing Steve @ with your name and call sign, and we can get you signed up.