CLARKSVILLE, IN (August 2024) – In a bold move aimed at sharpening their focus on combating narcotics-related crimes, the Clarksville Police Department (CPD) has announced a major restructuring of its detective divisions. This initiative, spearheaded by Chief Nathan Walls, marks the establishment of a dedicated Narcotics Division within the department—a decision praised as a significant step forward in the ongoing battle against drug-related offenses in the region. Twelve years ago, CPD established its original Narcotics Division, which has since garnered statewide recognition for its outstanding achievements in drug and asset seizures, as well as for its substantial arrest records.
“We have many large-scale arrests, cases that led to arrests across the country, and these are all cases that originated in Clarksville,“ said Chief Walls. “We even had one source case that led all the way to Mexico and ended with millions in drug and cash seizures.”
Walls hopes to improve on that success by creating a stand-alone Narcotics Division. Previously, detectives in the Narcotics Division juggled a diverse array of cases, spanning from burglaries and thefts to violent crimes. Now, these detectives will be exclusively focused on tackling narcotics-related offenses.
“We all know how difficult the drug situation is and how much attention it needs,” said Walls. “It just made sense.”
Central to the department’s revamped approach is its newly constructed, state-of-the-art narcotics office—a facility funded entirely through seized assets from drug dealers. Financially, the impact of CPD’s narcotics operations extends beyond infrastructure. When drug money is confiscated during busts, a portion is allocated to the federal government and supporting agencies, with the lion’s share flowing back into CPD’s coffers. This influx of funds into the department’s drug fund plays a pivotal role in financing crucial initiatives such as officer training, procuring advanced equipment, and supporting community-focused endeavors such as educational and charitable programs.
“We’ve spent more than a million dollars so far, but there are still millions in the pipeline that will come to the department eventually. It just takes a long time for the money to work through the court system.”
Walls says the majority of crimes his department investigates are in some way linked to drugs, underscoring the pervasive influence of narcotics on criminal activities within the community. By fortifying their commitment to combating drug-related crimes through this reorganization, CPD aims not only to safeguard the residents of Clarksville but also to foster a safer, more resilient community.
As the newly minted Narcotics Division gears up for its inaugural operations in the revamped narcotics office, expectations run high. With focused dedication and the backing of state-of-the-art resources, Clarksville Police Department stands poised to set a new standard in proactive law enforcement against narcotics, driving forward a vision of safety and security for all residents of Clarksville.
The preceding story is an excerpt from the latest edition of the Town of Clarksville Magazine. You can read the full issue by clicking here.