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Clarksville’s Police Department is composed of 54 full-time officers, including a Chief and Assistant Chief. These officers are assisted by reserves, unpaid volunteers who must work a specified number of hours per month and participate in training programs. The capacity of the department is also extended by five members of the safety patrol. The safety patrol hands out parking tickets and takes routine accident and incident reports. The officers are supported by an administrative staff of 11 people.

The reserves and safety patrol help augment a police department serving a community that stretches seven miles from the Ohio River north. The presence of two large malls and many other retail markets add to the work load of Clarksville’s Police Department.

Clarksville’s Police Department is involved in the community through sponsorship of youth sports and the Shop with a Cop program, which pairs an officer with a child for a special shopping trip at Christmas. The drug prevention program, DARE, is provided to the elementary schools in Clarksville through our Police Department.

The Clarksville Police Department is a professional force that encourages officers to continually upgrade their skills.

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Electrical line down? Dangerous stray animal? Pot hole?
